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Since many of our past experiments focused on the effect our VOC had on mycelial plugs of P.destructans, in this experiment we wanted to shift our focus on the effect our VOC had on the spores of P.destructans. This experiment used our VOC at various parts per million against a dilution of spores going from 0, -1, -2, -3, and -4. We placed duplicate plates, containing the appropriate dilution of spores, inside a mason jar and inoculated the inside wall of the mason jar with the appropriate ppm of our VOC.
This experiment was placed in the incubator for three weeks at 10˚C with ~30% humidity.
After the three weeks, we removed the plates and the results were as follows:
Spore | Control | 0.5 ppm | 1 ppm | 2.5 ppm | 5 ppm |
0 | Thick Lawn | Thick* | NG | NG | NG |
-2 | Thick Lawn | NG | Some growth* | NG | NG |
-3 | Lawn | NG | NG | NG | NG |
-4 | Spotty Lawn | NG | NG | NG | NG |
-5 | 32 & 34 CFU | 19 & 33 CFU* | NG | NG | NG |
The results indicate that lower than the previously identified 5 ppm, was active against the P. destructans. The results labeled with an * was not expected. We suspect there was either difficulty with the VOC overcoming the spores, that the VOC dissipated more quickly in those jars, or that there was a human error when inoculating the jars with our VOC. The last suspected reason is most likely due to the very small quantity that needed to be placed in each jar.

Spore | Control | 0.5 ppm | 1 ppm | 2.5 ppm | 5 ppm |
0 | 2 plates | 2 plates | 2 plates | 2 plates | 2 plates |
-1 | 2 plates | 2 plates | 2 plates | 2 plates | 2 plates |
-2 | 2 plates | 2 plates | 2 plates | 2 plates | 2 plates |
-3 | 2 plates | 2 plates | 2 plates | 2 plates | 2 plates |
-4 | 2 plates | 2 plates | 2 plates | 2 plates | 2 plates |